Raw Seed Slice


Raw Seed Slice

This slice is a super-powered variation of the sesame seed and honey bars popular in Greek and Middle Eastern cuisine. It combines a variety of seeds, of various tastes and textures, to create a sweet and crunchy slice.


½ cup linseeds/flaxseeds, freshly ground
½ cup sesame seeds (unhulled or black, if available)
1 cup pepitas
1 cup sunflower seeds
½ cup chia seeds
½ cup hemp seeds
½ cup raw honey
½ cup unhulled tahini


Line a slice tin (26-30cm x 18-20cm) with baking paper.

Mix all seeds together in a bowl.

Place honey and tahini in a large saucepan and melt on low heat for 1-2 minutes, stirring regularly, until a smooth paste. Add seeds and stir well to combine (best achieved with your hands, either by lightly oiling your hands or food-handling gloves with olive or coconut oil, and mush/squash until well combined).

Once combined, press firmly into the tin and smooth down with the back of a metal spoon.

Refrigerate or freeze for 1-2 hours.

Cut into small squares and serve immediately. Keep chilled.

Credit to our good friends at jeanhailes and slightly modified by our team of nutritionist at www.ahealthyview.com

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Michele Chevalley Hedge is a qualified Nutritional Medicine Practitioner, speaker, and best-selling author has delivered 600+ keynotes for leading global brands, including Microsoft, Accenture, American Express, Apple, ANZ, CBRE, the Australian Government, and more.

Michele’s nutrition retreats, wellness courses, books, articles, and corporate health programs are backed by peer-reviewed research on workplace well-being, nutrition, stress, and mental health. A regular guest on Channel 7, Sunrise, and The Today Show and contributor to The Sydney Morning Herald, Body & Soul, and The Daily Mail, Michele is also an Ambassador for Cure Cancer and the Heart Research Institute.


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