Retaining Water? Waist Getting Thick? Brain Fogged?

Try our Cleanse & Nourish At Home Program  

AHV 600 (8)


This is a 30 day gentle food-based program where the guiding principles are nutrient-dense foods like vegetables, easily digestible proteins, fruit, and the food combinations we consume them in. We will eliminate from our diet foods that are toxic forming, difficult to digest, and foods that cause sensitivities or allergies.

The aim of the Cleanse is that we gently eliminate excesses from the body so the body can renew itself, rejuvenate our filtering system (like our liver and kidneys), and crank up our metabolism. This cleanse allows you to go on with your daily life, unlike many strict cleanses which provide a quick boost. This cleanse allows for longevity and a skill set to take into your daily life.

  • Michele Chevalley Hedge

    “Wow… Cleanse & Nourish Program makes me feel renewed, refreshed and re balanced. My skin, my mood, my weight and everything feels so good after I do one of these programs —that is why I have done 7 of them! And will continue to make them part of my life’s routine.”

    President, School Nurses Association of NSW

Cleanse & Nourish At Home


Next Session TBD

Location: Balmoral Beach, Balmoral NSW
Dates: TBD
Times: 7pm-8:30pm Balmoral time
SEATS ARE LIMITED : Only TBD seats available

(Please be mindful of these times. If you cannot commit to this,
please understand it disrupts the group. Thank you.)

The investment in your wellbeing is $595+GST
(Many Health Funds will rebate 4 sessions.
Please check with your provider as they change monthly)

Notes on attendance:

Due to Michele's work schedule, there are no make-up classes.
Health Fund Receipts will be issued at the end of the 4 weeks.

Cleanse & Nourish (not Detox!) from the comfort of your own home

Note the word cleanse – not detox, not stripped back, not strict.

Note the word nourish – being kind to yourself, adding food into your life, enjoying quality food, losing weight and toxins with nourishment.



In this program we share guidance on cleansing yourself, your home and your pantry to set yourself up for success.

The key is to go SLOW, anything fast is just that, fast, done, burnt out, and not sustainable. We begin slow.


Throughout the program we share nutritious and easy to make recipes that will support your cleanse and feel amazing.

The recipes are available in our online members portal for easy access whenever you need them.


We provide the shopping lists you need to cook the nourishing recipes. Download, print and take them with you!

And if you need to re-do the cleanse in the future, the shopping lists are available online when you're ready.


Our small groups have a 100% success rate with over 62% of our cleansers coming back a second time!

“Wow, wow, wow. I have know done Michele’s cleanse for the second time. This time I brought my best friend who is a nurse. I am not sure if I have ever slept better, feel ‘zesty’ as Michele calls it, and ’shred’ as my kids call it. I lost 4 kilos the first time I did it, then lost another 5 on my own, and went back for top up. My goal weight was 65 kilos and that is now my consist weight for 13 months. I learned a lifetime of new skills and the best bit is I am not hungry- ever!”

Catherine Griffins, Teacher, Mum of 3, 51 years old, peri-menopausal

Did you know that medical research proves that when a person is making nutritional changes the support structure of a small group yields greater weight loss and permanent change than any other single component of change!

This program provides guidance and education to you through a cleansing experience from your own home. While you cleanse & nourish in your own home, you will be supported in four in-person group workshops. 

Michele will host a maximum of 10 people on four consecutive weeks. This makes cleansing, debloating, and defogging easy for you to do inside your own home. Michele will ensure that everything you will learn and use is easy – so easy it becomes a habit – and this habit then has a flow on effect to your family.

You will be on daily email communication with Michele and have unlimited access for questions about your personal nutritional requirements.

Michele will provide all the material and knowledge and food combining information you will need to follow a cleanse and detox experience. You don’t need to buy pre-made food from some detox food supplier… But you need to know how to make your own for the future of your own health and your family’s health!

We will meet four times throughout the Cleanse where you will have the opportunity weekly to have your weight, cellular hydration, bone density, fat percentage, muscle mass measured with our specialised bio-impedance scales.

* Many health funds will rebate these four visits.

Yes, you can safely detox and make some
nutritional change while you are working,
living, and running a busy life.

Bloated? Poor sleeper? In need of balanced moods? More energy? Improved self-confidence?

Perfect - I am here for you… well, 12 of you anyway.

For 20 years, I have been hosting and educating a 4-week Cleanse & Nourish Program. I do this so those who cannot go away to our retreats in New Zealand, Aroha, and Tuscany this year can do this within their own environment.

You will shrink if you need to shrink ;-) you will de-puff, sleep better, feel clarity, balance hormones and learn nutritional habits and lifestyle behaviors that will last you a lifetime.

This program will be the last one I will host due to working overseas for the next few years. If you are interested please apply below and I will personally have a quick email or call with you to confirm you're a good candidate for this program.

I am whole-heartedly committed to helping you improve every aspect of your life - emotionally, mentally and physically. I will educate and entertain you all with evidence-based medicine and nutrition, plan your day, review your blood pathology, and more. I am deeply vested in your well-being.

I do need to know that you really are committed to the times, dates and positives of this cleanse which is why I only take up to 12 participants.

Would you like to join?

Apply Now