Take Charge Of Your Health Today! 

Teacher burnout is real, 
don't become a statistic. 

Take charge of your health by learning how to improve your stress resilience,  sleep quality and gut biome all while qualifying for CPD/PD points! 

  1. Feeling overwhelmed and burnt out? Let's fix that! 

    Our courses are: 
    - Self paced and online courses 
    - Each module can be completed in 1-3 hours max 
    - CPD/PD Accredited Courses for Teachers 
    -  Can take one course or bundle them to save! 
  2. Sign up today to feel to take charge of your health and start feeling more revitalised, refreshed and excited to take on life's challenges!  

Some of the schools Michele has worked with





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Recent data from the Black Dog Institute reveals that 52% of teachers are experiencing extremely severe symptoms of depression, 46% suffer from anxiety and as many as 60% experience chronic stress.

It’s no wonder that 60% of teacher absences were due to a mental health or emotional challenges!

To have the skill set of a high-performance educator, you need to have a strong foundation when it comes to your wellbeing.

Let us help you build up your energy, mental clarity and wellbeing and experience deeper sleep,  improved stress resilience, positive moods, and a more robust immune system at the same time as acquiring your CPD/PD points!

Self paced, Online and CPD/PD accredited, The Science of Workplace Wellbeing for Educators PD courses are invaluable because they provide evidence-based recommendations on improving EVERY aspect of these skill sets, helping teachers to be at the top of their game. 

We currently offer three courses in this series with each course, each able to be taken alone or bundled together.

Each course also is also CPD/PD accredited, allowing elective hours to be obtained upon the completion of each course.




What is included in each course

Course 1: The Impact of Improving Nutrition on Mental Resilience & Energy 

  • Identify the relationship between diet, nutrition, and mental stamina to enhance teaching practice to effect positive change and impact on student or child learning progress and achievement.
  • Explain the significance of The Smile Trial from Deakin University and its impact on the global workforce and mental health issues.
  • Understand how to identify hidden sugar in 'healthy foods’ and their impact on physical and mental energy and transference in the classroom.
  • Explain the consequences of regularly consuming hidden sugar in your diet and its impact on your work performance, communication, strategic thinking, and body language.
  • Create an actionable lifestyle plan with moderate behavioural modifications to maximise workplace stamina, cognitive function, and mental clarity.

When/Where: Self paced, online

Expected Time To Complete: 3 Hours 

CPD/PD Points: Three (3) NESA Elective points

  • Planning for and implementing effective teaching and learning requires a mentally healthy, physically healthy body and brain to have the energy to perform as optimal educators' performance.

    6.2.2 Participate in learning to update knowledge and practice targeted to professional needs and school and/or system priorities.
    7.2.2 Understand the implications of and comply with relevant legislative, administrative, organisational and professional requirements, policies and processes.

    Suggest Descriptors 6.2 and 7.2

    Elective PD can contribute up to 50 hours of teachers’ PD requirements.


Course 2: The Impact of Improving Sleep & Stress on Burnout & Productivity

  • Recognise how sleep impacts our mental and physical well-being to help prevent teacher burnout.
  • Understand the significance of poor sleep and how it impacts our brain and classroom productivity.
  • Understand that sleep improves a teacher's ability to effect positive change and impact a child’s learning progress and achievement.
  • Describe the impact of stress on our insulin and well-being.
  • Learn why improved sleep and lowering stress and its impact on the immune system and how this can reduce absenteeism and burnout.
  • Develop an actionable plan to improve the quality of your sleep and stress levels to increase your overall well-being with small, achievable behavioural modifications.

When/Where: Self paced, online

Expected Time To Complete: 2 Hours

CPD/PD Points: Two (2) NESA Elective points

  • 6.2.2 Participate in learning to update knowledge and practice targeted to professional needs and school and/or system priorities.
  • 7.2.2 Understand the implications of and comply with relevant legislative, administrative,organisational and professional requirements, polices and processes.

    Elective PD can contribute up to 50 hours of teachers’ PD requirements.


Course 3: The Impact of Improving the Gut Biome on Mental Health & Brain Performance

  •  Examine current evidence and science on diet and nutrition in managing mental health – anxiety, depression, and mood disorders.
  • Recognise how food impact’s optimal cognitive function and can enhance a teacher's ability to perform highly capable workplace tasks such as teaching, collaboration, transference, and learning application.
  • Understanding the physiological mechanisms of diet and its influence on brain (cognitive) function for developing coherent and well-sequenced evidence-based teaching programs.
  • Apply practical skills and knowledge to implement dietary changes to manage mental health, optimum brain function, and gut health.
  • Recognise current lifestyle behaviours and opportunities for quality improvement that can enhance your workplace wellbeing, leadership qualities, and high performance.

When/Where: Self paced, online
Expected Time To Complete: 2 Hours 

CPD/PD Points: Two (2) NESA Elective points 
Suggest Descriptors:

  • 6.2.2 Participate in learning to update knowledge and practice targeted to professional needs and school and/or system priorities.
  • 7.2.2 Understand the implications of and comply with relevant legislative, administrative, organisational and professional requirements, polices and processes.

    Elective PD can contribute up to 50 hours of teachers’ PD requirements.


Meet Michele, Your course instructor 

Hi, I am Michele Chevalley Hedge, a nutritional medicine practitioner, wellbeing author, and former teacher.

Yes, I ‘get’ you! Being in the education sector is deeply rewarding, but as educators, we often nourish everyone except ourselves.

Twenty years ago, I began my second career in nutritional medicine, positive psychology, well-being, and the links with high performers skills. I love helping educators, school leadership teams and counsellors to create micro habits to improve their brain clarity, mental stamina, moods, communication, sleep, physical health and more.

I created The Science of Workplace Wellbeing for educators around the globe so that you thrive in both your professional and personal lives, which is going on to contribute to a positive school culture and influence student outcomes.


"Michele Chevalley Hedge has the ability to take some of the latest evidence-based information around nutrition and its relationship to mental health and translate this to families, schools, and corporates. Her passion and knowledge allow Michele to share serious health topics in a way that is accessible to all audiences. We as educators, researchers and speakers need to share these messages wide and far for the sake of our health and that of our children and adolescents.”
~ Felice Jacka, Alfred Deakin University Professor Co-Director of the Food & Mood Centre, President of the International Society for Nutritional Psychiatry Research 

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Teacher Feedback

Michele Chevalley Hedge

“The wise and wonderful Michele Chevalley Hedge presented an entertaining and informative keynote presentation at Positive Schools Asia, in Hong Kong. The 400 plus audience of teachers and school leaders showed their appreciation with enthusiastic feedback. They rated Michele’s presentation highly for both content and engagement. There is no doubt that our diet shapes us physically, socially and emotionally.Michele delivers an important message that needs to be heard.”

Positive Schools Founder & Chair

Michele Chevalley Hedge

“Michele presented a wonderfully informative and engaging workshop to our staff informing us of the evidence-based research about what is happening not only to our physical body but to our mental body. The presentation really has our staff talking about and considering what they eat. The focus was not only on staff wellbeing, but directly linked to student wellbeing and learning as well. The overwhelming feeling from the staff is that it was one of the best PD presentations they had heard.”

Director of Learning & Teaching. SHORE School, Sydney Church of Grammar School North Sydney

Michele Chevalley Hedge

“Michele Chevalley Hedge has the ability to take some of the latest evidence-based information around nutrition and its relationship to mental health and translate this to families, schools, and corporations. Her passion and knowledge allow Michele to share serious health topics in a way that is accessible to all audiences. We as educators, researchers and speakers need to share these messages wide and far for the sake of our children.”

Alfred Deakin University Professor Co-Director of the Food & Mood Centre, President of the International Society for Nutritional Psychiatry Research


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